Saturday, September 15, 2007


Ever wanted to write KICK ASS sales copy? Ever wanted to create customers out of thin air? If you wanted to learn how to do some of this amazing stuff but never knew how to get started look no further.... This is for you

Get all the episodes....

YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.

Posted by Cantu on Sept. 15 2007 at 8:30 PM

Thursday, July 5, 2007


This is something we have long hinted at on our podcasts and blogs....

One of the biggest trends in marketing for the next decade will the rise and maturation of marketing of environmentally-friendly (or green) products and services.

Last year I wrote an article about the state of green marketing for Revenue Magazine, and I was amazed that how little green companies and the green divisions of larger organizations knew about online marketing. When asking about SEO, affiliate programs and networks, the companies I spoke with reacted as if I was speaking Swahili.

Check out the whole article here.....
Source: Marketing Shift

There are a lot of opportunities in SEO when it comes to a wide variety of companies. It is somewhat alarming that monstrous budgets are spent on high gloss brochures. It is almost as if the web sites are treated as a mere afterthought. There is a monumental amount of potential that is being ignored in the Green business world.

Posted by Cantu on July 5, 2007 at 6:34 pm

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Cantu Releases, "Rebel Marketing" on the Ike Engelbaum Show

Rebel Marketing Hits The Airwaves and the IPODS

The entire process of taking a commercial and sending it out to the masses as we know it -- has been changed! This is called, MICROSIZING. No longer will you have to worry about hiring an art director, Assistant Director, lighting crew and everything else that comes with hiring a day crew. This entire process has been shrunken down.....

Rebel Marketing is created by Ted Cantu. Its a blend of using traditional media and making it accessible and affordable for the everyday business owner. Now they can "narrowcast" their marketing message out to the masses.

This is an excellent way to create and promote information based products.

Posted on June 14, 2007 at 7:49 am.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

"Church Employs the Internet and Raises Revenue"

"No Doubt That Its a Church -- They Need Money Too -- Yep, It's a Business Folks...."

I have to give this church credit where its due. They knew they had to take action and grow leaps and bounds and went to the web for answers.....
Entrepreneur Business Blog:

"Sound out of reach? If you would've told the Eastpoint Community Church in Middletown, Delaware that their church community would increase membership by 277 percent about a year and a half ago, they would've thought you were crazy. But 18 months later, they've far surpassed their original goal and are moving into a larger space to accommodate the new churchgoers.How did they recruit so many new members? By using relatively inexpensive marketing techniques.

The campaign started with a prominent billboard on the side of a busy highway near their church, costing $1,000 per month for 14 months. On the billboard, they posted their website address under the main slogan. The church developed their website and tried to make it appeal to a younger demographic by also including Web 2.0 elements to build an online community. They followed up with a postcard mailer that went out to more than 47,000 households within five miles of their church, costing about $10,500."

Source:Entrepreneur Online

Its interesting that this church has more insight on onilne marketing than a lot of midwest businesses. These guys knew about costs and what they wanted to achieve. The investment was actually pretty small compared to what big companies are doing or... not doing in some cases.They even used Web. 2.0 elements !!!

Here are some extra things I noticed:

* They increased direct mail response 48%
* They are targeting the youth and getting a response
* The are encouraging participation
* They are incorporating online and offline techniques

Direct mail is not an easy thing to nail with one shot. There are a lot of things you need to do so the campaign will come out right. These guys also used a little SEO in their campaign.

Still, these guys are on the right track.

Ted Cantu writes for the fascube network and posted this on April 29, 2007 at 8:29 pm. He can be found at

Sunday, April 15, 2007

New Podcast Show Launches in San Francisco

Click here to get your own player.

"Dynamic SEO - Direct Marketing Podcast Show Launches in San Francisco"

Ex-Advertising Veteran, Ted Cantu, is back once again with an ALL - NEW Podcast. Cantu has worked for such heavy hitters as WWF, Capital Records, Coca Cola, Foote Cone and Belding, Citibank, Unilever, Snuggles, GM, Ford and a whole host of others is now showing you how to delve into the jungles of ENTREPRENURIALSM.

This show has a real twist to it. We cover interactive multimedia but go one step further with Direct Response marketing. We show you the ins and outs of copywriting, online marketing and how to get top rankings in Yahoo and Google. We discuss SEO topics, news and strategies.

This will also host a series of video footage from some of our live appearances -- most notably is our upcoming one at Automation Alley. We will have insightful copywriting tips to enhance your current sales campaigns. This is created to be a resource for San Francisco, California entrepreneurs and for those who want to explore working from home...... Now is the time !!

Posted by profitsecrets on Sunday, April 17, 2007 - at 8:02 am